Gina once visited an area close to the coal-fueled power plant (PLTU) in Batang, Karimunjawa and Indramayu. She witnessed firsthand how coal waste pollutes the sea and threatens the sustainability of the ecosystem in the area. She also saw the condition of Bandung which was experiencing a waste emergency state where the landfill had excess capacity of up to 700%. This personal experience made Gina interested in the issues of the climate crisis, renewable energy and zero waste. Motivated by the fact that organic domestic waste management can reduce 70% of the waste disposal process, Gina invited friends around her housing complex to process organic waste with Biopori method. Gina hopes that the government can issue policies that are pro-environmental conservation so that it can overcome the climate crisis and environmental problems that are currently occurring. Currently, Gina is assigned as Zero Waste Project Manager at YPBB Bandung, an NGO focusing on sustainable living.
Support Gina's Petition: Gubernur Jawa Barat: Tegakan larangan pengangkutan sampah organik ke TPA Sarimukti