
Being a mother brought Ve into the dilemma of using disposable diapers. Ve realizes that disposable diaper waste has become a serious issue. Since becoming a mother, she decided to choose cloth diapers for her children, with the determination to reduce the environmental impact caused by disposable diapers, which often end up in rivers and seas. Ve actively shares her experiences via social media, advocating for the use of reusable cloth diapers and encouraging other mothers to follow suit. Ve's involvement with the Ciliwung Care Community in Bogor also strengthens her commitment to tackling diaper waste, as well as encouraging diaper companies to be responsible for the disposal of their product waste. Ve is also active as a volunteer for the tourism and environmental sustainability program at Penyumbahan Beach, Bali, to promote a cleaner and greener environment.

Support Viedela's Petition: Viedela: Mengajak Produsen Merries, Mamypoko, dan Sweety dukung inisiatif penggunaan popok kain

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