
Apart from being a Social Welfare student at the University of North Sumatra in Medan, Ade Indah Hutasoit, nicknamed Adee, is currently actively involved in various environmental and climate-conscious communities, including Climate Justice Indonesia and Climate Rangers Indonesia. Together with her community, Adee campaigns to stop the operation of the Pangkalan Susu Coal Power Plant in North Sumatra, which has negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Through her campaign, Adee aims to raise public awareness about the harmful efects of coal power plant waste.

Driven by the spirit of Energy Transition, Adee envisions a shift from fossil fuel-based power plants to renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy. Adee's involvement in these eorts is marked by her enthusiasm and skills in communicating campaign key messages through visual means. Adee often utilizes digital media, such as creating digital content, animation lms, and short lms, to amplify her campaign. Through her participation in the We Create Change program, Adee hopes to strengthen the effectiveness of her campaign and contribute to significant changes in both raising public awareness and influencing government policies.

Support Adee's Petition: Stop Penyebaran Penyakit Dengan #PensiunkanPLTUPangkalanSusu

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