
Anastasia Debora Apitaratu believes that a way to increase public awareness of the importance of mental health is by promoting effective communication that spreads positive messages, especially in strengthen- ing parent-child relationships. Her experience of dealing with a suicide case in her close circle has pushed her to contribute to the mental health awareness campaign. According to Tata, as she is commonly known, there is still a high negative stigma towards individuals who attempt suicide, without understanding the underlying issues, and judging it as a mistake.

To channel her concern, Tata joined the Duta Damai commu- nity, which is under the supervision of the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT), where she utilizes her skills in graphic design and writing to support efforts to increase public awareness of mental health and gender issues in Jayapura. Through her contributions, Tata hopes to challenge the negative perceptions towards mental health survivors in the local community and promote inclusivity and equality. Tata is also concerned about the waste problem in Jayapura. Especially in her residential area in the Youtefa Market region, she often worries about the threat of flooding during the rainy season due to unresolved waste issues. Currently, Tata works as a financial consultant in Jayapura.

Support Anastasia's Petition:Calon Walikota Jayapura 2024, Buat Program Kerja Untuk Atasi Masalah Sampah

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