
Arman Seli is a journalist who currently works for the online media outlet in Palu, Central Sulawesi. His influential writing covers various issues, including inadequate housing assistance, the Moringa Planting Program that sources funding from the PLN CSR, and the traditional sanctions imposed by Salena residents on BPKH Palu. As a member of the indigenous community and a survivor of conflict in indigenous regions, Arman regularly shares concerns and ideas related to indigenous community conflicts through his writings in various media outlets. His writing and community organizing skills have also made him trusted to voice issues surrounding indigenous regions in his area. Since his university days, Arman has been active in opposing the Palu Bay reclamation and has also served as a staff member for information and communication in AMAN Central Sulawesi. As a proactive media contributor, Arman realizes that digital campaigns can help maximize his efforts in advocating for the interests of indigenous communities.

Support Arman's Petition: Lindungi Salena dari Dampak Pertambangan Galian C di Kota Palu

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