
Nuzulia Istiningsih is a farmer who actively writes and participates in environmental movements. Through her writings, Nuzulia aims to represent many women who have become victims of natural resource governance policies that do not consider feminist ecological perspectives. She hopes her writings can reach various people and successfully encourage the government to make pro-environment and pro- people policies. During the pandemic, Nuzulia and her team at Dapur Solidaritas Jombang, East Java, have conducted various social activities. They distributed vegetable seeds to citizens to improve food security, distributed packed rice to rickshaw drivers and homeless people in Jombang, and advocated for a regent ordinance for environmental operational funding.

Currently, Nuzulia focuses on movements and advocacy with the community in Jombang, including being part of the Jombang Inclusion Alliance, especially in issues of diversity and disability. Nuzulia also works with Sanggar Hijau Indonesia to expand her involvement in inclusive communities.

Support Nuzul's Petition: Stop Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian di Kab Jombang untuk Industri, Pariwisata, dan Perumahan

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