
Qorry Oktaviani was personally moved to advocate for the issue of mangrove ecosystem conservation in Dumai, Riau Province, after witnessing alarming deforestation rates and suboptimal mangrove management. Previously, Qorry worked at KKI WARSI, an NGO in Jambi, where for four years, she accompanied village communities and collaborated with local governments to establish sustainable practices and legal protection for the mangrove areas. She also conducted research on mangroves, identified specific community needs, and engaged in on-site activities such as establishing mangrove nurseries to restore vacant land and developing innovative products such as mangrove batik and homemade shrimp crackers.

In the future, Qorry aims to raise awareness among stakeholders, including local governments, compa- nies, and community members, about sustainable mangrove management to obtain economic benefits and empower local residents. Additionally, Qorry is actively involved in sharing knowledge through offline activities, such as writing articles and reciting poetry at the local cafes to reach out to the younger generation.

Support Qorry's Petition: Desak Walikota Dumai Hijaukan Hutan Mangrove Pesisir Dumai

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