
Shafa's concern for the impact of climate change on the production and sustainability of Gayo Coffee, in her homeland, led her to work directly as a coffee farmer in Central Aceh District, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Shafa has deeply experienced the impact of climate change on cropping patterns and the productivity of Gayo Coffee. With the determination to protect and preserve Gayo Coffee, Shafa took the initiative to establish a business called Burni Datar Plantation & Coffee Processing. Through this business, Shafa is intensively exploring ways of farming that are more climate change resistant. Partnering with forest farmers in Aceh Besar, the Burni Datar Farmers Group she founded is determined to increase the capacity of coffee and chili farmers in the area. In the future Shafa and her farmer group hope to get support from the government and other stakeholders in the supply of seeds, planting calendar, and information related to climate / weather in the midst of an erratic growing season. Shafa's dedication to climate-resilient agriculture made her a proactive Forest Agriculture Initiator, committing to having a positive impact on the environment and farming communities.

Support Shafa's Petition: Stop Buru Burung Pleci Biar Tetap Bisa Minum Kopi Gayo

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