
Tika has great concern about the preservation of rivers in the city where she lives, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Growing up on the bank of the Kapuas River, Tika saw firsthand how the river became polluted by domestic waste. As her personal commitment to the waste problem, Tika takes the role as the leader of the garbage bank community in her area. The members of her community are all women who proactively pick up residents' waste to be sorted and sold to the garbage collectors. Apart from increasing public awareness, the effort is also to help housewives financially in the area. Tika is also a member of the Tudong Kapuas Community, a grassroots movement to maintain the cleanliness and sustainability of the Kapuas River.

Tika feels that her current actions have yet reached their maximum results in building public awareness. She wants to strengthen her outreach efforts with digital media so that it has a more massive and systematic impact. Tika also wants the local government to support and collaborate with her communities, considering that currently waste management is still carried out independently.

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