
Growing up in Riau Province, witnessing and experiencing the direct impacts of forest and land fires (Karhutla) on peatlands was nothing foreign to Al. It, in fact, led him to commit to study the root of the problem of peatland fires by taking a major in forest and land fires in the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). After completing his study, Al joined as a Research and Data Analyst team member in the Pantau Gambut, an NGO focusing on peatland protection and sustainability, in order to maximize a more massive contribution to peatland conservation.

Al is also active on social media to support the forest and land fires prevention campaign and share insights on the impact of food estate development on peatlands. Al's motivation to join the We Create Change program was driven by a personal desire to strengthen his campaigning skills. Al wants to invite more residents to care about protecting peatlands.

Support Almi's Petition: Selamatkan Kerbau Rawa Hulu Sungai Utara dari Ancaman Konsesi Sawit!

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