
Currently, Arridho Hakim is actively involved in CAPPA Ecological Justice Foundation, an organization that supports communities living inside and around forest areas in the Jambi Province. One of Ridho's tasks is to facilitate, document, enhance the participation of youth, and promote stories that emerge from the grassroot. These stories highlight real experiences of indigenous communities as entrepreneurs or ecopre- neurs in their villages. They play a significant role not only in managing forests and producing various commodities or products but also in building green innovative development at the grassroots level, incorporating the beauty of local wisdom and ancestral traditions.

By showcasing these stories, including through digital platforms, Ridho aims to broaden economic opportunities for the indigenous communities he supports. One of Ridho's concerns is the significant number of criminalization cases against indigenous communities due to agrarian conflicts or land disputes. These cases sometimes receive limited attention from the public and policymakers due to the lack of resources and capacity within indigenous communi- ties to advocate for their rights. In the future, Ridho hopes to contribute more effectively to strengthen their capacity and advocate for indigenous legal campaigns.

Support Arridho's Petition:Jaga Pohon Bulim Terakhir Masyarakat Adat Batang Uleh dari Gempuran Industri Ekstraktif

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