Nur Ismi Arfah is a Sociology Education college student at Makassar State University, in South Sulawesi. She often raises issues of mental health and suicide prevention, especially among students, the communi- ty in Makassar, and the general public beyond Makassar. Ismi aims to increase public awareness of the importance of mental health, reduce stigma towards mental disorders, strengthen mental healthcare systems, and create an environment that supports individuals with mental health problems. Ismi hopes that mental health campaigns can have a positive impact on society, including increased awareness, reduced stigma, improved access to mental healthcare services, and a decrease in suicide rates. With better awareness, individuals in need of mental health assistance are expected to be able to seek help more easily, receive proper treatment, and find safe spaces.
In addition to actively advocating for mental health issues, Ismi has also volunteered to assist natural disaster survivors. This experience has made her more critical and knowledgeable about the structure, steps, and processes of campaigns related to social issues and disasters.