
Kurnia Widyawati is an activist who has personally witnessed the detrimental impact of the construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA) in her hometown of Poso, Central Sulawesi. This experience has strengthened her determination to advocate for climate crisis issues and environmental damage. Kurnia staunchly campaigns about the negative impacts of PLTA projects, which she views as "false solutions" rather than real solutions. These impacts are not only seen in Poso but also in many other regions in Indonesia. Kurnia highlights that the negative effects of PLTA include damage to homes, river bombings and dredging, disposal of project waste into rivers, as well as the loss of clean water sources and land.

Kurnia strives to demand accountability from the government and involve the wider community in Poso. She emphasizes that the process of PLTA development lacks consultation with local residents, especially women whose voices are often unheard in decision-making. Kurnia hopes to garner public support in advocating for real solutions to the climate crisis alongside grassroots women.

Support Kurnia's Petition: Stop Pembangunan PLTA PT Poso Energy di Poso

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