
Melani Listiana is a student at the Faculty of Law, Galuh University in Ciamis, West Java, who is dedicated to advocating for mental health awareness. According to her, there is already a growing awareness of mental health issues in society, but there is still a lack of knowledge on how to prevent it. "Mental health issues are still mostly understood by younger generations, such as Gen Z and Alpha, while the older generations are still unfamiliar," says Melani. Realizing the gap in understanding the consequences of mental health and the lack of preventive action, Melani focuses her campaign on raising awareness and educating the community. She founded "Believe In," a volunteer-based community dedicated to developing a comprehensive mental health support structure. The goal is to bridge the generational gap, ensuring that mental health is universally understood and prioritized, transcending age demographics. Under Melani's leadership, the Believe In community has become a hub for mental health education, bringing together campaigners, volunteers, content creators, public speakers, videographers, and podcasters.

One of the programs carried out by Believe In is the implementation of a mental health ambassador program participated by 100 representatives from all over Indonesia. Melani explains that this program emphasizes personal stories to strengthen the connection with the community. In the future, Melani envisions a society where mental health receives the same attention as physical health, combating stigma, and promoting preventive actions.

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