
Even though he has just graduated from high school, Rikasmir has been already active as a waste bank operator and volunteer in elementary and junior high schools, focusing on environmental education. He has a particular interest in managing single-use plastic waste. Born in a village without proper waste disposal facilities, Rikas is concerned about seeing the river being constantly used as the final dumping site for community waste. Not willing to stand idly by, Rikas saw an opportunity to intern and learn more about a healthy environment at Sanggar Hijau Indonesia in Jombang, East Java. There, Rikas gained knowledge and experience in making eco bricks from plastic waste and became a sorted waste bank operator.

Moreover, Rikas is also active as a facilitator, delivering lessons on making eco bricks and compost from kitchen waste to students at schools and members of the local family association (PKK). The aim is to raise awareness at the community level and promote the management of single-use plastic waste at the grassroots level. With the eco bricks he produces, Rikas hopes to build an office to further develop these activities in the future.

Support Rikasmir's Petition: Ayo Pilah Sampah Organik Sejak dari Dapur

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