
Recognizing the lack of action and clear regulations regarding waste management in Mataram City, Baiq Rosdiana Susanti focuses her campaign on waste management, specifically waste separation. Ros, as she is commonly known, is concerned about the pollution of beaches in NTB due to the lack of government attention and limited public awareness regarding waste management.

"On a personal level, I have made efforts to reduce plastic usage by shopping with reusable bags, minimizing the use of disposable sanitary pads, and always bringing my own food containers," says Ros. In her campaign she hopes to collaborate with the local Environmental Agency (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup) so the impact can be extensive and create systemic movements reinforced by policy regulations.

Ros works as a freelance content writer and illustrator for branding purposes. As a writer and illustrator, she aims to establish herself as a content creator regarding climate, women, and peace issues. Ros seeks to contribute by amplifying inspirational stories of women driving change and grassroots local heroes in NTB. In addition to being part of the Duta Damai community (under BNPT RI) as a blogger coordinator, Ros is also part of the Puan Menulis community and is currently starting a small community called Klub Buku Mataram, focusing on literacy and environmental education.

Support Ros's Petition: Galakkan Sosialisasi Warga Kota Mataram Pilah Sampah Dari rumah!

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