
Muhammad Sabilal Muhajirin, commonly known as Sabil, has significant concerns about individual consumptive behavior and the resulting ecological impacts. Recognizing the significant contribution of each person to carbon emissions, Sabil wants to play a role in efforts to increase public awareness of responsible consumption, emphasizing the influence of consumer choices on the food supply chain.

Currently, Sabil works as a Student Affairs staff member at the University of Indonesia. With a background in Forest Management from the Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, Sabil has started his action by conducting intervention-based research on responsible and sustainable consumption patterns and introducing the concept of a Low Carbon Diet (LCD). Sabil envisions that this effort can transform the future towards a more focused food chain, leading to urban food resilience and community gardens. While acknowledging that there is still a long way to go in disseminating the idea of a low carbon diet, Sabil emphasizes the importance of key figures in helping promote this discourse, including food bloggers and content creators.

Support Sabil's Petition: Batasi Produk Impor dengan Naikkan Cukai untuk Kurangi Emisi Karbon

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