
The impact of climate change on vulnerable groups is an issue that concerns Silvy. They experienced firsthand the flood and abrasion disasters caused by extreme weather and environmental damage in her area in 2021. This experience also motivated them to actively join Fajar Sikka, an organization founded by local transwomen, where they support the empowerment of vulnerable groups - including transwomen, people with disabilities, the elderly, and widows - so they can recover and become economically independent after the disaster.

One of Silvy's contributions to voicing environmental issues is by participating in community discussions on issues of waste management and replanting of damaged land and forests. According to them, indigenous people and indigenous youth forums must be involved in land management and disaster control efforts so that the policies or initiatives produced are right on target and in favor of vulnerable communities. As a trans woman who actively fights for their rights and eradicates discriminatory treatment, Silvy also has great concern regarding the issue of domestic violence and eradication of discrimination.

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