
Triggered by many residents who lost their productive land due to massive mining and palm oil expansions in Central Sulawesi, Wandi joined a number of campaigns against gold mining companies and palm oil plantations in his area. According to him, unsustainable land clearing is one of the contributors to the climate crisis. Not to mention, it also creates the ongoing land conflict between corporations and indigenous communities whose rights are violated. Wandi's good intentions in voicing his concern for the environment is not without risk. He received threats when he held public campaigns. However, it does not discourage him to keep speaking out, especially to defend the rights of indigenous peoples and marginalized groups, both at the local and national levels. Currently, Wandi is active in the Green Student Movement Community and is a member of the Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) in Central Sulawesi.

Support Wandi's Petition: Selamatkan Keindahan Banggai Kepulauan Dar Kepungan Tambang. 95% Daerahnya Terancam Rusak!

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