
Windri's concern about environmental issues began when the Hulu Sungai Tengah district where he lives in South Kalimantan, was hit by floods several times. He became even more anxious when he learned that the government had just issued permits for large-scale coal minings and oil palm plantations in his area. "We already suffer from floods even though there is no land clearing for mining and palm oil, so what will our lives be like in the future if the plan is executed?" said Windri. Together with Green Leaders Indonesia, Windri is frequently involved in discussions related to gender and environmental justice. He made posters and videos as documentation for mothers who voiced their opposition to mining activities in Hulu Sungai Tengah. He is also actively involved in managing a waste bank and is interested in exploring green entrepreneurship. In addition, Windri is also a member of the Save Meratus community, a community founded to respond to the growing threat of land clearing for coal mines in the Meratus Mountains, South Kalimantan.

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