
Yunia has many personal experiences related to environmental problems. As a person who is sensitive to smoke and dirty air often suffers from respiratory problem, Yunia feels upset with people who burn rubbish around their homes and offices because the smoke from the open burning releases a lot of toxic pollutants. The air pollution from factories and private vehicles also troubles her. Besides air pollution, the issue of extreme heat due to climate change is also her concern. The broken cycle of seasons and the unusually high temperatures for days during dry season does not only make her uncomfortable, but also worries about the impact of this extreme heat on vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children. Yunia believes every individual can play a role in protecting the environment and ensuring a more comfortable and sustainable future for all. She currently works at PMI Bali.

Support Yunia's Petition: Pilah dan Olah Sampah Dari Hulu ke Hilir!

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