
Driven by the personal experiences of those closest to her who have become victims of sexual abuse, Asti, as she is commonly known, is committed to studying gender issues and sexual violence in greater depth. She believes that these dangers are currently very close to everyday life, especially in her area of Purbalingga, and often involve perpetrators who are close to the victims. Her concern has also grown with the increasing cases of teenage delinquency and bullying in Purbalingga, while the social services provided by the Department of Social Affairs are limited in addressing these issues.

Recognizing the shared responsibility to create a safe environment, Asti actively voices her concerns regarding sexual violence and teenage delinquency in her community. She believes that collective community involvement plays a crucial role in addressing both problems.

Currently, Asti actively participates in advocating for a safer environment through monitoring and community engagement in the neighborhood program RT/RW/Desa. She also volunteers in the work of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) as a companion for witnesses and victims.

Support Asti's Petition: Bupati Purbalingga, Adakan Pelatihan bagi TPPK untuk Wujudkan Purbalingga Bebas Kekerasan

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