Claudia Liberani Randungan is an activist in the organization Bentang Kalimantan Tangguh from Ponti- anak, West Kalimantan. Clau actively speaks up about the issue of community-based forest management. She is concerned about the government's policies in designating forest areas, as they often overlook the involvement of local communities. This has led to changes in administrative boundaries that affect the living space and welfare of the people. For example, communities living around forested areas are often considered as damaging the forest due to their reliance on forest resources (such as searching for agarwood, rattan, etc.), even though they have traditionally applied wise forest management practices, especially for climate change mitigation.
Through the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD), Clau is currently assisting communities in sustainable forest management, including through social forestry schemes.
In addition, Clau, together with her parents, established and manages Sao Mamasa, a local library in her hometown, to encourage young people to love their hometown through reading and documenting their culture.
Support Claudia's Petition: Bupati Kapuas Hulu, Perbaiki Pengelolaan Sampah dan Pindahkan TPA ke Tempat Baru