
Besides being a senior university student, Mutia is currently active in the Ruang Pangan Community focusing on connecting food surplus owners with the underprivileged communities in Lampung. Together with her community, Mutia holds campaigns and education to reduce food waste in collaboration with coffee shops, bakeries and restaurants in Bandar Lampung. They also make food creative campaigns, process food waste, and promote sustainable food sources. Mutia concerns over food waste because food waste that rots in a landfill will produce methane gas that is hazardous and contribute to the greenhouse gas emission.

“So far, I have focused on offline campaigns. By joining We Create Change, I want to explore online campaign tactics so I can reach more supporters," said Mutia.
Change saya ingin menggali taktik-taktik kampanye online supaya bisa menjangkau lebih banyak
pendukung,” kata Mutia.

Support Mutia's Petition: Warga Lampung ingin Ruang Terbuka Hijau yang bisa diakses dengan mudah dan gratis!

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